A Message from Dr. Brooks at NY Ketamine Infusions

Managing Stress in Unsettled Times

I hope and trust that this email finds you well.  I’m sure, by now, you’ve received dozens of emails and messages from friends, family and businesses discussing the coronavirus. I won’t dwell on it too much here.  While the situation needs to be taken very seriously, it’s important (and healthy) to take a deep breath, effectively manage your stress level and live your life while at the same time taking all common sense precautions that I’m sure you’ve read about. I want to assure you that we will successfully get through this period – together.

Over the next few weeks and months, we need to be serious, smart, diligent, and follow the instructions provided by doctors and experts at the CDC. I’ve included a list at the end of this email with some general information and steps we can all take to make sure we mitigate the spread of the virus and remain calm, healthy and happy.

Should you need us, our office staff is always here to help. For the foreseeable future, we plan to continue to operate as we always have, seven days a week including most holidays. If the situation changes for any reason, we will notify you. If you feel the need to schedule an appointment, get more information or just to speak with someone, the New York Ketamine staff and I will be here for you.

Of course, we are already doing everything we can to provide a safe environment for our employees and patients:

  • Our staff members will only report to work if they are feeling 100% healthy and are showing no symptoms.
  • All patients are instructed to wash their hands and use hand sanitizer when they arrive
  • Patients who are exhibiting any symptoms are being asked to reschedule their appointments
  • We will be taking the temperature of patients as they arrive
  • We have increased the frequency of disinfecting our common areas and all high-touch items and surfaces
  • We instruct everyone to avoid handshakes and close contact whenever possible
  • Our staff is being extra diligent in following all CDC guidelines
  • Our building at 75 Maiden Lane is also taking additional measures to sanitize common areas, elevators, surfaces, door handles, buttons and other items multiple times throughout the day

The quick onset and the spread of this virus has been scary to many, and it’s natural to feel unsettled and stressed.  That said, this time will pass and we will make it through together.  Find time to take care of yourself, find time to exercise or take a walk or meditate, find time to live your life, find time to love and laugh…and remember to call us if you need us.  We’ll be here.

Be well,

Dr. Brooks


  • The Covid-19 virus is spread in droplets by coughing and sneezing, so be mindful of surfaces where such droplets could land. (Surfaces can remain infectious for around 1 week).
  • Greet others without touch. Use alternatives like a slight bow, air-kiss, fist/elbow bump etc.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • For public objects, such as gas pumps, shopping carts, etc, use a disposable glove or a paper towel.
  • For doors, if you can, use a closed fist or hip to open them. Also, hold public doors open for others nearby so they can also pass through without touching.
  • Use your elbows or knuckles to touch light switches, elevator buttons, etc.
  • Carry sanitizer and anti-bacterial wipes with you; keep extras in your car, and make them available at each of your home and office entrances.
  • Drink hot liquids OFTEN.
  • Sneeze into a tissue and discard (sneeze into elbow as last resort)
  • Disinfect all frequently touched objects and all surfaces of your home (light switches, handles, doorknobs, fridge handles, appliances, TV remotes, lights, bathroom, kitchen and other surfaces with Clorox wipes).
  • Use disinfectant wipes at the stores when they are available, including wiping the handle and child seat in grocery carts.
  • Zinc has been proven to be affective in blocking coronavirus
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • CDC recommends that all people wear facemasks to protect themselves from COVID-19.
  • Facemasks should also be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility).
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20-30 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.



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